The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Plot Summary The Wolf of Wall Street is a biographical comedy-drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter. The film is based on the life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who was convicted of fraud and corruption in the 1990s. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Belfort,…
Read MoreLove as Taste Season 1 Plot Summary Love as Taste Season 1 is a Korean romantic drama series that tells the story of two childhood friends, Lee Gun-Woo and Kim Yoon-Jin, who reunite as adults and discover their feelings for each other. Gun-Woo, a successful businessman, and Yoon-Jin, a talented chef, must navigate their complicated…
Read MoreVampire Dormitory (2024) Vampire Dormitory, released in 2024, is an anime series that tells the story of a group of college students who move into a mysterious dormitory, only to discover that it’s inhabited by vampires. Pros: – Unique take on vampire lore: The series offers a fresh spin on traditional vampire mythology, making it…
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