Vampire Dormitory (2024)

Vampire Dormitory, released in 2024, is an anime series that tells the story of a group of college students who move into a mysterious dormitory, only to discover that it’s inhabited by vampires.


– Unique take on vampire lore: The series offers a fresh spin on traditional vampire mythology, making it stand out from other anime in the genre.
– Engaging characters: The cast is well-developed and complex, with each character having their own distinct personality and backstory.
– Suspenseful storyline: The plot is full of twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
– Atmospheric animation: The animation is dark and moody, perfectly capturing the eerie atmosphere of the dormitory.
– Exploration of themes: The series delves into themes of identity, community, and the struggle for power, adding depth to the story.


– Slow pacing: The series starts off slow, taking a few episodes to build momentum.
– Some characters feel underdeveloped: While the main cast is well-developed, some supporting characters feel like they could have been fleshed out more.
– Predictable plot twists: Some of the plot reveals can be seen coming, which may detract from the overall suspense.
– Limited character development for vampires: While the human characters are well-developed, the vampire characters feel somewhat one-dimensional.
– Some episodes feel disconnected: A few episodes feel like they don’t contribute much to the overall story arc.

Overall, Vampire Dormitory is a captivating anime series that offers a unique take on vampire lore and a suspenseful storyline. While it has some drawbacks, the series is sure to appeal to fans of the genre.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Positives: Unique take on vampire lore, engaging characters, suspenseful storyline, atmospheric animation, exploration of themes.

Negatives: Slow pacing, some characters feel underdeveloped, predictable plot twists, limited character development for vampires, some episodes feel disconnected.

Recommendation: Vampire Dormitory is a great choice for fans of anime series like Castlevania or Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. If you’re looking for a suspenseful and atmospheric anime with a unique take on vampire lore, this is a good option.

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